Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar when Muslims restrain from food and drink and other things from dawn till sunset every day for 30 days.
It’s a practice anticipated by the members of the Muslim faith as it’s a month of spiritual reflection, body detoxification, charity and community values.
Now, as Muslims are practically fasting all day long and just having food and drink during the night time only, the big question is….
When is the best time to workout?
I’m going to give my opinion but of course, please consult your GP and listen to what your body tells you.
Ramadan was never meant to be a month of over-eating, idleness and non productivity.
So there is no justification that a person who is fasting mustn’t workout (unless you are exempted by your doctor), but the volume and intensity are the only factors that must lower during this month.
Therefore, don’t think of making any gains. Consider it as a month of maintaining your workout schedule only and a cut /dieting month food wise.
To keep it really short, you can do both or one of the following:
- You can do a 30-45 minute walk before Iftar (the break-fast meal) by 2 hours. It should be a very low impact walk as you can’t exhaust yourself since you haven’t had any water since Sohoor (the last meal before dawn). A slow steady walk (preferably outdoors) helps with boosting your mood after a long day of fasting. A yoga class can do as well.
- After Iftar, you can workout at the gym after about 2 hours to guarantee proper digestion. But take into consideration that you must have had a small well balanced meal consisting of protein, fibre, complex carbs and healthy fats (do not over-eat) and plenty of water. You can go with tradition as well by having milk or a yogurt drink with some dates if that’s what you prefer. When you go to the gym, and if you lift weights, go with 3 sets of 10 reps of each exercise using a light to medium load (No heavy lifting this month!). Compound exercises are great as they work all body parts.
Keep your session no more than 60 minutes. Always warm up and cool down properly. And of course, drink a lot of water and have good sources of protein after you are done with your workout.
You can do one day walking, the next day weight lifting, and so on.
This is a general rule of thumb and this can be customised depending on one’s energy levels and health during this month.
But remember that Ramadan is a month of reflection, prayers and self discipline. If you perform it correctly you will achieve many benefits mentally and physically.
Here’s a guide you can use.
Check out this video on fasting Ramadan and it could help you change your mindset for this year. English captions are available. The episode starts at 2:30:
Ramadan Kareem and may the Almighty accept your prayers and deeds!
If you would like me to train you during feeding hours in Ramadan, I have a few available slots in the evening. PureGym Nottingham Castle Marina is a 24/7 gym so it’s open at night time.
Contact me for arrangements.