How to start your fitness/health journey?

Consistency and determination are essential keys to start any transformation. It is a journey, an emotionally bumpy ride, where all members should hold hands and support each other.

Mistakes may happen, but one must not stop there. Learn from the mistakes and do corrective actions to avoid making them again.

It all starts with that little desire to change for the better. Change is difficult; no one can deny it, especially if that change involves habits.

It all depends on foreseeing the positive results using SMART objectives (Specified, measurable, achievable, realistic, timed). It is an investment, and any person needs to be convinced of the returns of that investment.

Common sense and reason play a big role as well. I am sure that each one of us standing here wants the best for themselves and for their loved ones. It does take courage to admit our weaknesses sometimes, but we are humans at the end of the day, and we can never reach perfectionism.

So, speaking up and seeking help and support is the best way to reach our goals. Success, happiness and satisfaction for sure are the Holy Grail we humans seek for.

Hard work and dedication are the routes to them, but every person’s experience looks, tastes, smells, sounds and feels different. This uniqueness must be celebrated.

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